¡DESEMPACADO! El Plástico, el Desperdicio & Yo.

El libro sobre el plástico para mayores de 12 años.

Versión en inglés


Specifically developed and designed for a young international audience, the digital book "Unpacked! Plastic, Waste, & Me" answers 70 questions about plastic in colorful infographics and six true stories. Book designer and author Gesine Grotrian and a team of experts from the Heinrich Böll Foundation together with an advisory board of young people from all over the world have created an exciting non-fiction book for young people aged 12 and over.

Versión en español



La crisis del plástico nos afecta a todos, pero no a todosen la misma medida; y son estos asuntos de equidad y diversidad en los que este libro está especialmente interesado. Hemos buscado un lenguaje que abarque la diversidad de género. Queremos incluir a cada quien y también dirigirnos a quienes no se identifican ni como masculinos ni como femeninos. Este libro responde a las preguntas de los jóvenes sobre el plástico en imágenes e historias.
Otros contenidos relacionados al libro, en inglés.

Website. Digital Edition

This is the digital edition of our book. Here you can find all the infographics on plastic and plastic waste from the book. 

The Youth Advisory Council about the book project.

Plastic, Waste & Me - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

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Members of the global youth advisory board explain the plastic problem and why we urgently need to stop the plastic flood.

Online book presentation of "Unpacked! Plastic, Waste, & Me"

Online book presentation of "Unpacked! Plastic, Waste, & Me" - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

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Watch the launch of "Unpacked! Plastic, waste, & me", featuring members of the international youth advisory board, book designer Gesine Grotrian and Lili Fuhr from the Heinrich Boell Foundation. Delphine Lévi Alvarès (Break Free From Plastic) facilitated this event.

Brand Audits

Brand audits are citizen science initiatives that involve counting and documenting the brands found on plastic waste collected at a cleanup to help identify the companies responsible for plastic pollution. This toolkit shows how.

Graphics and Licensing Terms

Download the individual pages and graphics from "Unpacked! Plastic, Waste, & Me" in JPEG, PDF and PNG format.